Viewing a single comment thread. View all comments

ziq wrote

There is no API.


Hugix OP wrote

Not even docs with all the GET/POST requests listed?


emma wrote

Here is a dumped list of routes. Hope it helps.

Name Method Scheme Host Path
gregwar_captcha.generate_captcha ANY ANY ANY /_gcb/generate-captcha/{key}
liip_imagine_filter_runtime GET ANY ANY /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/rc/{hash}/{path}
liip_imagine_filter GET ANY ANY /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/{path}
fetch_title POST ANY ANY /ft.json
markdown_preview POST ANY ANY /md
user_bans GET ANY ANY /bans/{page}
unban_user GET POST ANY ANY
ip_bans GET ANY ANY /bans/by_ip/{page}
unban_ips POST ANY ANY /bans/unban_ips
comment_post POST ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/{submission_id}/comment_post/{comment_id}
edit_comment GET POST ANY ANY
comment_form GET ANY ANY /comment_form/{forumName}/{submissionId}/{commentId}
delete_comment POST ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/{submission_id}/delete_comment/{comment_id}
softdelete_comment POST ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/{submission_id}/soft_delete_comment/{comment_id}
comment_list GET ANY ANY /comments/{page}
comment_vote POST ANY ANY /cv/{id}.{_format}
multi ANY ANY ANY /f/{names}/{sortBy}
forum GET ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/{sortBy}
forum_feed GET ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/{sortBy}.atom
forum_feed_legacy_redirect ANY ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/{sortBy}/{page}.atom
edit_forum GET POST ANY ANY
delete_forum GET POST ANY ANY
forum_appearance GET POST ANY ANY
forum_bans GET ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/bans
forum_ban_history GET ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/bans/history/{username}/{page}
forum_ban GET POST ANY ANY
forum_unban GET POST ANY ANY
forum_moderators GET ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/moderators/{page}
add_moderator GET POST ANY ANY
remove_moderator POST ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/remove_moderator/{moderator_id}
moderation_log GET ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/moderation_log/{page}
global_moderation_log GET ANY ANY /moderation_log/{page}
subscribe POST ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/subscribe.{_format}
unsubscribe POST ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/unsubscribe.{_format}
create_forum GET POST ANY ANY
forum_list GET ANY ANY /forums/{sortBy}/{page}
forum_webhooks GET ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/webhooks
forum_add_webhook GET POST ANY ANY
forum_edit_webhook GET POST ANY ANY
forum_remove_webhook POST ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/remove_webhook
forums_by_category GET ANY ANY /forums/by_category
manage_forum_categories GET ANY ANY /manage_forum_categories/{page}
forum_category GET ANY ANY /c/{name}/{sortBy}
create_forum_category GET POST ANY ANY
edit_forum_category GET POST ANY ANY
front GET ANY ANY /{sortBy}
featured GET ANY ANY /featured/{sortBy}
subscribed GET ANY ANY /subscribed/{sortBy}
all GET ANY ANY /all/{sortBy}
moderated GET ANY ANY /moderated/{sortBy}
featured_feed GET ANY ANY /featured/{sortBy}.atom
featured_feed_legacy_redirect GET ANY ANY /featured/{sortBy}/{_page}.atom
message_list GET ANY ANY /messages/{page}
message GET ANY ANY /message/{id}
compose_message GET POST ANY ANY
reply_to_message POST ANY ANY /message_reply/{id}
request_password_reset GET POST ANY ANY
password_reset GET POST ANY ANY
login GET ANY ANY /login
login_check POST ANY ANY /login_check
log_out ANY ANY ANY /log_out
submission GET ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/{submission_id}/{slug}
submission_shortcut ANY ANY ANY /{id}
comment GET ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/{submission_id}/comment/{comment_id}
edit_submission GET POST ANY ANY
submission_delete_immediately POST ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/delete_submission/{submission_id}
submission_delete_with_reason GET POST ANY ANY
lock POST ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/{submission_id}/lock
unlock POST ANY ANY /f/{forum_name}/{submission_id}/unlock
submission_vote POST ANY ANY /sv/{id}.{_format}
theme_history GET ANY ANY /theme_history/{id}/{page}
create_theme GET POST ANY ANY
edit_theme_css GET POST ANY ANY
edit_theme_settings GET POST ANY ANY
theme_revision_source GET ANY ANY /theme_source/{id}
stylesheet GET ANY ANY /user_style/{field}/{themeId}.css
themes GET ANY ANY /themes/{page}
user GET ANY ANY /user/{username}
user_shortcut GET ANY ANY /u/{username}
user_submissions GET ANY ANY /user/{username}/submissions/{page}
user_comments GET ANY ANY /user/{username}/comments/{page}
users GET ANY ANY /users/{page}
edit_user GET POST ANY ANY
edit_biography GET POST ANY ANY
user_settings GET POST ANY ANY
user_block_list GET POST ANY ANY
block_user GET POST ANY ANY
unblock_user POST ANY ANY /unblock/{id}
registration GET POST ANY ANY
mark_user_trusted POST ANY ANY /mark_as_trusted/{id}/{trusted}
inbox GET ANY ANY /inbox/{page}
clear_inbox POST ANY ANY /clear_inbox.{_format}
user_forum_bans GET ANY ANY /user/{username}/forum_bans/{page}
clear_notification POST ANY ANY /clear_notification.{_format}
wiki GET ANY ANY /wiki/{path}
wiki_shortcut ANY ANY ANY /w/{path}
wiki_create GET POST ANY ANY
wiki_edit GET POST ANY ANY
wiki_lock POST ANY ANY /wiki/_lock/{path}
wiki_unlock POST ANY ANY /wiki/_unlock/{path}
wiki_history GET ANY ANY /wiki/_history/{path}/{page}
wiki_diff GET ANY ANY /wiki/_diff
wiki_all GET ANY ANY /wiki/_all/{page}
wiki_revision GET ANY ANY /wiki/_revision/{id}
wiki_recent_changes GET ANY ANY /wiki/_recent/{page}

Hugix OP wrote

Thank you, that's what I was looking for!