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BabyCroc wrote (edited )

Hillary real progress? What have you been smoking? She's a rightwing warmongering imperialist with blood drenched hands that deported children.


Prismatic_Iguana wrote

So it's cool to shit on the first female with a legitimate shot at becoming president around these parts? I thought that sort of male-centric toxic dogpiling was left over at that other place. Is she perfect, no, but show me a candidate that is. You all rallied around yet another white male to be your savior, typical.


ziq OP wrote

You all rallied around yet another white male to be your savior



Prismatic_Iguana wrote

I'm sorry, is Bernie not a white male?


ziq OP wrote

Lmao. What do you think this is, some kind of liberal imperialist cesspool? Fuck Bernie.