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ziq OP wrote

He just declared Catalonia has earned the right to be come independent.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


ziq OP wrote (edited )

Yeah, I spoke too soon.

He says:

"I want to follow people’s will for Catalonia to become an independent state."

The parliament erupts with applause. But then he says the government wants to delay any formal declaration. He continues:

"We propose to suspend the effect of the independence declaration... in order to work towards putting into practice the result of the referendum... Today, we are making a gesture of responsibility in favour of dialogue."

Cop out.


Xesau wrote

If the dialogue works out and Catalonia becomes independent through negotiations, then mission accomplished, or at least a great step towards it. If dialogue doesn't work out, they can always suspend the dialogue and declare themselves independent anyway.


ziq OP wrote

Dialogue won't work, the Spanish state made that clear when they beat hundreds of people up for trying to cast a vote.