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celebratedrecluse wrote

can't the forum be specifically geared to anarchist perspectives on Israel & Palestine? I don't think it's imperialist to have a forum geared to that, it's not leveling power against palestinians to just have a space for discussion in that perspective. like i have posted below, there are definitely anarchist palestinian activists & writers who can be listened to, and who don't enjoy much space in the existing media to discuss their POVs.

If there are non-anarchists on the site who want a space for non-anarchist discussion of israel & palestine, they could certainly make a forum & I wouldn't object. We could remake the title of the forum to reflect the anarchist focus of this forum, as well, if people would feel more comfortable with that. but i think there is merit in having an anarchist-focused Israel/palestine forum, just because this is rare and deserves more space.


ziq wrote (edited )

If the people using and modding the forum were anarchist Palestinians, but they're not. It's imperialist for non Palestinians to mandate a specific solution to Palestine's struggle without Palestinian's input.


celebratedrecluse wrote

Fair enough. As long as anarchist perspectives are welcomed here (and I mean it's raddle, why wouldn't they be) I have absolutely no issue. In fact, I agree that links to non-palestinian writers who prescribe a specific revolutionary program for Palestine should not be in the sidebar, and that it would be cool to look for APOC palestinian writers to put over there, along with other radical palestinian authors.

I do wonder, however, if we will all feel a bit differently about deferring to palestinian statists when Palestine achieves statehood, or if the anarchist movement grows in Palestine. Perhaps we will look back and think "hm, maybe we should have supported these palestinian anarchist incipient movements more ten-twenty years ago".

But that's a game you could play with any situation, I still think you all are right about removing the hyperlink. I guess I'm just musing/rambling


conseil OP wrote

maybe we should have supported these palestinian anarchist incipient movements more ten-twenty years ago

I certainly do support them, personally; I just don't think we have the power to write off everyone else, considering we're not there.


conseil OP wrote

By nature of the site this sub would have a lot of anarchist perspectives on Palestine, but I don't think it should be rule of the sub unless its actually being run by anarchist Palestinians.