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GaldraChevaliere wrote

  1. I understand what I'm talking about, don't play this game. There has to be a transitional period, but with the vegan all or nothing approach there won't be one because you can't grow enough food in that much time. Not happening overnight doesn't mean anything more than "I don't care about waiting even if it affects others". What gives you the right to determine that fate for them?

  2. Because it is broken, like you keep making me repeat myself. Being broken doesn't mean it's not the system we're living under right now, it's only the wealthy who get to opt out of it.

  3. Which in what way helps your point? Brazil's got a whole issue of its own with clearcutting of the rainforest and the cattle and crop barons owning everything in its rural zones. The importation of vegetables to different climactic regions so you can have some variety is part of the problem. Most animal feed is already fodder that'd be wasted. It's chaff and stalks mostly. To feed people the way we do now, which again I keep repeating needs to change, we need to completely overhaul or outright discard agriculture as it currently exists, and a transitional period can't do that fast enough without famine.

Not to be all internet tough girl but this is around the point you'd be losing teeth. Vegans across the board remain embarrassingly smug and self-absorbed. Your entire ideology is built around the judgement of the poor. You do nothing to help the world, you only serve as another drain on it. Acknowledge that.