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voiceonthewind wrote

Maduro isn't exactly democratic. As I said elsewhere I don't approve of the US being involved and I'm sure as shit they are stoking these flames but Maduro didn't help this mess.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


celebratedrecluse wrote (edited )

I mean, Maduro's administration has been dominated by corruption, it should not have been so easy for the US to sabotage their economy except for the decisions he and other Chavistas made for well over a decade. His absolute vote totals in the 2018 election were lower than in 2013, and turnout was almost as low as US presidential elections.

The US, especially with Guaido, has definitely been interfering in the politics and economy of Venezuela. But if the Chavistas hadn't bungled their policies, hedging the entire economy on a single export to their biggest enemies (US, Europe), abandoning large segments of the middle classes to center-right liberal opposition parties, using the police to suppress popular discontent & kill protestors, i do not think they would not have the scale of problems they do right now.

Solidarity with all anti-imperialists, and I hope the Chavista movement survives-- however, this will only happen if it is willing to address the mistakes they have made, and additionally at this point, some kind of random luck that defuses the proximate situation in their favor. It's sad, really-- we may well see a major political tragedy which could perhaps been avoided by foresight & better politics.


LanguageBot wrote

I've noticed you used the ableist word "dumb" in your comment, please refrain from doing so.
Consider instead: dense, ignorant, lacks understanding, impulsive, risk-taker, uninformed, silly, foolish (to replace metaphor); nonspeaking, nonverbal, person with a speech impairment, person with a cognitive disability, Deaf person, hard of hearing person (to refer to a Deaf or disabled person)

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ratbum wrote

This is so out of date. ‘Stupid’ also used to be a medical classification; should we stop saying that?

The up to date term would be ‘mute’, which nobody misuses.


LanguageBot wrote

I've noticed you used the ableist word "stupid" in your comment, please refrain from doing so.
Consider instead: uninformed, reckless, impulsive, ignorant, risk-taking, risky and dangerous, dipshit

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