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deleted wrote

I would prefer if people focus on posting music that generally aligns with the cultural heritage of the anti-capitalist left in one form or another, or that features some sort of (non-reactionary) critical perspective. Not every song need be a revolutionary manifesto but try to avoid posting commercial music from completely apolitical artists that are well known. What would be the point, when there exists a whole industry to promote capitalist culture?


not_AFX_lol OP wrote

Can we have a separate Revolutionary Music sub for that? I mean, how do we define 'commercial music from apolitical artists that are well known'? Where does Kanye fall? Kendrick Lamar? Beyonce got a lot of controversy for that Super Bowl performance because 'Black Panthers n stuff'. How does that work? Can I post apolitical music from non-commercial artists? How about commercial artists that aren't well known?

Where does it end?