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An_Old_Big_Tree wrote

That fucking sucks.

I hope you get some boyfriend time sooner rather than later.


[deleted] wrote


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote

Nice. It helps me a lot of have a sense of how long it will be. I can make it a matter of patience.


throwaway wrote (edited )

I know exactly how you feel. I left my girlfriend a little over 2 months ago, because I couldn't cope with her personal issues, including her heavy borderline. In trying to forget her, I rode my motorcycle every single day, the faster the better, and of course ended up crashing when I took a sharp turn on a small road at over double the speed limit. Now I can barely walk, my left hand is fucked, and my motorcycle, which I saved up for so long for, is totalled, I can't work so rent and food is starting to become quite a challenge. I went to see her this weekend, to tell her I miss her, but she couldn't accept the fact that I'd been with other girls to try and forget her (understandably, I hold no grudges against anyone but myself). She broke completely, and told me to never contact her again...

Shit's whack. I miss my girl.

- but, hey, there's a lesson hidden everywhere (mine isn't hidden very well), and the best you can do is learn from it. Wasn't born with a strong backbone for no reason.

I really hope you find some light in your life soon - quite often, it's all around us, especially when we're getting rear-ended by life. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to shoot me a PM.


MHC wrote

Use phone and video conferencing.