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GrimWillow wrote

I want to edit the rules to this to be the same of a board game I made IRL called "Decolonizers of Catan". I can't stand the premise to the original, but it was fun!


sudo OP wrote

It's licensed under the GPLv2, so you can do that! But if I may ask, what's wrong with the original's premise?


GrimWillow wrote

The original premise is about settling and competing with other settlers to do so. This game isn't happening in a vacuum from a reality where glorification of settling has resulted in the dehumanization and destruction of indigenous cultures and nature in almost every instance. The spread of this global techno death culture serving corporations and fascists is the result of much settlement. The kind of settling in this game features similar strategies of modern civilizations, which ultimately results in a non-harmonious way to live with nature. There may be no indigenous casualties in this setting, but that's just a contribution to the misconception that settling has no casualties. History books often forget to mention, or gloss over, the casualties of implementing civilization as we know it, and this game makes it appear that the only problem are thieves or other similar settler civilizations.

Living on Turtle Island, settlement is a subject of great pain and comes with a heavy and intense context. Sensitivity to this pain might suggest that a game about dismantling the settlements to be more fitting as a subject to emulate. It wouldn't be so problematic if we lived in a world where the consequences of settling weren't so obscured and making the settlers look good, when they are actually a force of hatred and racism.


sudo OP wrote

It wouldn't be so problematic if we lived in a world where the consequences of settling weren't so obscured and making the settlers look good, when they are actually a force of hatred and racism.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. When you mention "the casualties of implementing civilization as we know it," are you referring only to the genocide of indigenous peoples, or do you mean the very act of moving into a new place? Would you consider, say, colonizing the moon to be oppressive? (I assume the answer is no.)


GrimWillow wrote (edited )

I was referring to all the consequences. My issue with moon colonization is with the fact that only terrorist organizations are currently capable of pulling it off, thanks to their grip on society to use their labor and steal resources from the Earth. Meanwhile, included in my issues with the Earth colonizing is the destruction of our habitat (and I don't have that particular worry with moon colonization). But who knows, I bet they'll fuck up the moon too. They've always surprised me in the amount of ways it turns out that they can fuck things up.