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zombie_berkman wrote

nothing of value was lost


jaidedctrl wrote

I dunno, a lot of distros are based on Ubuntu. If Canonical truly removes i386 support completely (which it seems they will do soon enough-- they're just providing security updates from what I understand, no?), then that's a huge chain of distros that will be without i386 support, or will have to put in quite a bit of extra effort to support it.
Not everyone on the planet has amd64... a lot of people only have i386 machines.


zombie_berkman wrote

move back to debian then


jaidedctrl wrote

You or I can move to Debian easily, but the users of the main user-friendlies? Probably not.


zombie_berkman wrote

straight up fud


jaidedctrl wrote

FUD? Mate, I'm just saying that Debian isn't as user-friendly as Ubuntu and it's variants.


zombie_berkman wrote

how much easier do you need? they both come with graphical install wizards and they both come with desktops DEs by default and they both have gui package management.