Submitted by [deleted] in History (edited )


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[deleted] wrote


conseil wrote

even if it was used by Lenin slightly modified (as "revolutionary liberation"), does not cease to appear for the first time in Bakunin's revolutionary speech. But the Marxist and Anarchist gap during those years is already large and it may have been difficult for Lenin to admit that he was influenced by Bakunin. even though it was used by Lenin slightly modified (as "revolutionary defeatism"), it does not cease to appear for the first time in Bakunin's revolutionary speech. But the Marxist and Anarchist gap during those years is already large and it may have been difficult for Lenin to admit that he was influenced by Bakunin. even though it was used by Lenin slightly modified (as "revolutionary defeatism"), it does not cease to appear for the first time in Bakunin's revolutionary speech. But the Marxist and Anarchist gap during those years is already large and it may have been difficult for Lenin to admit that he was influenced by Bakunin.

I think this part's gotten fucked up somewhere along the line, btw


[deleted] wrote


celebratedrecluse wrote

lol i assumed it was a metatextual DaDa reference. You know, for the essay's period authenticity. ;)