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DissidentRage wrote

Even most modern leftists refuse to give up something as cruel and pointless as meat

If you can demonstrate a way to mass-synthesize the nutrients, proteins and vitamins that are, at present, only obtainable through at least an omnivorous diet or expensive (both in capital and procedure) supplements, go ahead. Until then you're not going to have an easy time converting people to a diet that consistently causes neurological damage and anemia.


DeathToAmerica OP wrote (edited )

I haven't eaten meat all my life and I don't take any supplements. Everything we need is easily obtainable from plants, and plants are fucking cheap. But keep buying into meat industry propaganda why not?

Name a nutrient you think you can't get from plants and I'll set you straight. The only exception is B12, which comes from fecal matter. So either eat plants that have been shat on by insects and birds (as would be normal in nature) or eat fermented foods once in a while (B12 is stored in your body for a long ass time).

Now, how do you get your vitamin C, vitamin E, fiber, folate, magnesium, calcium and iodine?


DissidentRage wrote

and plants are fucking cheap.

Maybe if you have the time to farm them or something yourself. Eating all veg is more expensive in terms of capital and time.

For those of us living in the now with families to support a non-vegan diet is easier to maintain, since a lot of meats contain multiple instances of the necessary nutrients versus shopping for specific plants to maintain a spreadsheet quota.

But keep buying into meat industry propaganda why not?

Okay, please cite overt meat industry propaganda and contrary scientific study on the necessity of B12.

Name a nutrient you think you can't get from plants and I'll set you straight.

You've also got DHA which can only be synthesized from algae, if not obtained from fish, which contributes to neurological development of infants.

The only exception is B12, which comes from fecal matter. So either eat plants that have been shat on by insects and birds (as would be normal in nature) or eat fermented foods once in a while (B12 is stored in your body for a long ass time).

Yeah, I'll take the fermentation, thanks. It is slightly inaccurate; bacteria are responsible for B12 production.

Now, how do you get your vitamin C, vitamin E, fiber, folate, magnesium, calcium and iodine?

Implying meat eaters are strictly carnivorous and are never, ever able to maintain a healthy diet. Also implying that the general lifestyles of vegans and non-vegans are completely homogenous to the point that other aspects of life have no influence whatsoever.

Honestly I'm not that against it but it's not an easy adjustment, especially if you have to get other people on board. You have not eaten meat ever, so of course to you it may seem simple.