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fortmis wrote

Hahahaha she smilinggg.
She is a real life Ghibli character


256 wrote (edited )


Fool wrote

Those damn protesters, accepting Greta in their midst. How could they!



256 wrote

Greta T. can do what Greta T. wants, but the strength of dealing with arrest there was relative anonymity - Greta T. is everything but anonymous. Sure, they fill additional resources in GeSa, but in terms of ID procedure, they're done in no time.

I think I'm just mad about their comments about nuclear power.


ArmyOfNone wrote (edited )

I just wonder how were the dynamics with a star like her in their midst. How could she have avoided stardom n shit? It's not like you wash dishes or dance or play some game alongside her just like she's any rando.

So either it was somewhat discomforting but quiet... or the protesters went full star system bullshit.