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zoom_zip wrote

doesn’t have exactly what you are looking for but you could read through part two of this:

i think i saw somewhere the other day that 66% of crypto co2 emissions are related to the top 3 altcoins (bitcoin, eth, and lite?) but i can’t find that now. i thought it was on statista linked from some article about btc energy consumption overtaking the netherlands


celebratedrecluse OP wrote

The survey findings estimate that on average 39 per cent of proof-of-work mining is powered by renewable energy, primarily hydroelectric energy. Understanding the energy source of mining is important because electricity costs account for the majority of hashers’ operational expenditures – albeit with some variability across world regions – and hashers have long competed on accessing the cheapest energy source.


celebratedrecluse OP wrote

Hydro is problematic for many reasons, including flooding and habitat destruction, as well as associated greenhouse emission from thus. The rest is from fracked gas, coal, etc.

Solar and wind would probably be better bets, but are variable depending on grid reliability and weather conditions, so the only way to get reliability is to pair with other forms of energy and have a huge, wasteful grid that spans thousand of miles along with tons of small batteries which require mines to make.

honestly, there is no way that you get cryptocurrency which doesn't eat and destroy everything good in thus world