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Peter_J_Kropotkin wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted8871 in by !deleted30

If we have equality then why would anyone need to hurt their fellow man to get ahead?


[deleted] wrote


Peter_J_Kropotkin wrote

Their personal beliefs aren't enough for them to subjugate people. If there's no hierarchy then how can they have power over us?


[deleted] wrote


[deleted] wrote (edited )


Peter_J_Kropotkin wrote

Once capitalism is defeated, there will be no class structure or hierarchy, we'll all be equals.


L0rdEMPRESS_GaLaXyBrAiN wrote



Peter_J_Kropotkin wrote

Explain how we will continue to be subjugated without capitalism? There won't be any reason to accept subjugation if there's no capitalist system to force it on us.


[deleted] wrote


Peter_J_Kropotkin wrote

It doesn't matter if they're racist if they have no power under the social system to use that racism to do harm.


L0rdEMPRESS_GaLaXyBrAiN wrote

Acquiring power isn't a hard thing to do... especially when there isn't a police force to keep the 'state of things,' in order.


Peter_J_Kropotkin wrote

So what is your idea of utopia then? Sounds like you're some kind of police and state lover.


L0rdEMPRESS_GaLaXyBrAiN wrote

I'm gonna smash all your computer's and force you to eat tree bark.


Peter_J_Kropotkin wrote

Wait... You're a primmie?


L0rdEMPRESS_GaLaXyBrAiN wrote

Yeah, I'm here to smash your electronics and force tree bark down your throat.


Peter_J_Kropotkin wrote

Not just a primmie but one that admits to wanting to kill me. Marvelous.


L0rdEMPRESS_GaLaXyBrAiN wrote (edited )

I swear to the trees if I see you trying to irrigate your land I'm gonna come fix it.
