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Lucifer wrote

Ah but mate, it's not the virginity on the outside that counts, it's the virginity on the inside.


[deleted] wrote


Lucifer wrote

Weird way to converse with and get to know people but okay.


[deleted] wrote


Lucifer wrote

Lol, I like your sense of humour.

But to answer that remark seriously - there are lots of kids out there who like me, and the upside to me is I don't sugarcoat things for kids nor do I rape them, and typically I treat them like co-equals instead of pointlessly infantilize them or talk down to them.

And if I'm really in a shitty mood I just give them plenty of space to stay away from me.


[deleted] wrote


Lucifer wrote

"Pull myself up by the boostraps," right?

Maybe I can go to college and get a STEM degree.

When are you gonna invite me to your church to convert?


[deleted] wrote


Lucifer wrote (edited )

What is it with online forums that brings out the most passive-aggressive, tooth-and-claw nature in people?

You know those downvotes are just internet points, right?
