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edmund_the_destroyer wrote

I've said this before, but real power means you have nothing to prove. I try to walk with my back straight, my head up, and my shoulders back because it increases testosterone and reduces cortisol (so sayeth,%20carney,%20cuddy,%20&%20yap,%20psych%20science.pdf )

But I'm careful to make way for everyone, because I don't need people to step aside to feel secure in my strength and self-image.


crabbity wrote (edited )

Yea, don't really get what the end game is here. I will happily move out of the way of anyone in the street, because I am a) not a fucking troglodyte, b) have nothing at all to prove to someone I will most likely never encounter in a meaningful way and c) am just trying to get from point A to point B. So I get that the article isn't really discussing me or my behavior, but, it presents itself as if it is with statements like

The point is that men have been socialised, for their entire lives, to take up space. Men who would never express these thoughts out loud have nevertheless been brought up to believe that their right to occupy space takes precedent over anyone else’s right to be there.

These are not useful statements. I especially like the "even if they'd never say it!" hedging built right in.

I mean if you want to make walking down the street, deliberately being as much of an obstacle as possible, some sort of praxis, uuhhh, more power to you I guess. But I don't think you're off to a great start.