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Xylanthius OP wrote

That's cool that you were brave enough to go into science world in the first place.

isn't that surreal that i use the word brave to describe that choice?

It wasn't that long ago that women weren't really allowed to do anything. 100 years ago women weren't even allowed to make art really. If they did they were incredibly looked down upon, and they didn't get married. it was like something that they did only to attract a husband, and then after that their only purpose and allowable activity was for domesticated duties until they died from childbirth complications or something.

I wonder what it will be like 100 years from now.


RosaReborn wrote

I wonder what it will be like 100 years from now

I hope better. There is a greater awareness and some people are changing to better allies of women and marginalized peoples but some are recoiling even more into hate. Maybe I'm just more aware of hateful people now but it seems like they are emboldened and take even the slightest attack on their oppression as a war on them as individuals