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ziq_TNG wrote

Israel completely obliterated Gaza that summer and their excuse was complete bullshit. Shame on her for cheering on genocide.


theblackcat OP wrote (edited )

America gives Israel millions and millions to buy weapons (from America) with. So every 5 years or so, they need to expend their artillary so they can make room for the new weapons shipments. Gaza is their usual target because it's an enclave (open air prison) and they can't fight back.


PoisonDartFrog wrote

And then Israelis make lots more money selling Gaza new building supplies to rebuild all their homes.


ziq_TNG wrote (edited )

Hey now, everyone can profit from the apartheid, not just the cement factories! Bombing Gaza creates all kinds of amazing economic opportunities! Capitalism WOOOO!!!


PoisonDartFrog wrote


A few years ago, the center used its funding to pay all the costs of the materials. Nearly all came from a specialist company in Germany, some were bought at twice their usual price from an Israeli importer.

Wow, hiking up the prices of prosthetics during a prolonged bombing campaign against fish in a barrel, that's 100% pure late stage capitalism if I ever saw it. Someone give that importer a nobel peace prize, quick.