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metocin wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted23972 in by !deleted29143

disregarding the sex workers, is pretty fucked up

Most of the porn industry is actually a million times better at navigating consent than the average person

If anything is fucked up here is you glossing over the very real issue of filmed rape, often involving minors, being hosted on the largest porn industry platforms just to make some asinine point about including independent sex workers in 'the porn industry'. An independent producer is not industrial production, one could assume 'the porn industry' would be referencing the large porn corporations such as MindGeek.


[deleted] wrote


metocin wrote

Except I didn't post the article and I'm not referring to it. I realize there are extremely regressive, bigoted takes on the porn industry but there are many legitimate concerns and brushing them off because this particular article has a bad take is ignorant in my opinion.


[deleted] wrote


metocin wrote

Yeah and you responded with a comment that has 0 nuance or explanation and, as I said, glossed over the very real problem of rape and child rape videos being widely circulated on websites of the porn industry. I think it's very clear that there is an issue with consent in that regard and your motivation led you to completely ignore that because you were too concerned with reacting to the article to properly articulate your viewpoint.


emma wrote

If I strayed off topic, I wouldn't get mad at people for assuming the subject at hand is the original article that was posted. But maybe that's just me.

Anyway, it's super comforting to know that Christian fundamentalist entryism will fly with people on here as long as sex workers are the collateral.


metocin wrote

If I strayed off topic, I wouldn't get mad at people for assuming the subject at hand is the original article that was posted. But maybe that's just me.

Fair I guess but I don't think that changes my criticism of their comment.

Anyway, it's super comforting to know that Christian fundamentalist entryism will fly with people on here as long as sex workers are the collateral.

Wow. Way to completely misrepresent my comments.


[deleted] wrote


GlangSnorrisson wrote

I think when sex is the issue people freak out, lose all their principles, and start making excuses for reactionaries

Ok, so I’m not the only one to notice this. It’s like anytime naked people are involved suddenly all the shit takes come out.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


AnarcheAmor wrote

You got any backing behind the pedophilia thing? If true, it needs to be brought to a mod's attention.


GlangSnorrisson wrote

They’re referencing months-old drama that was resolved quickly thereafter.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


metocin wrote (edited )

You were unwilling to address my valid concern about your reductionist comment and instead implied that by responding they way I did I was going to bat for some regressive bigots and trying to insult sex workers. That is not what I was doing when I responded to you.

I think it's relevant because you have done so multiple times and don't seem to understand why it's disturbing. I'm sure others might feel the same way and they have the right to know, especially when you are making other comments that could come across as harmful.

How do you know that someone who experienced child abuse, or someone who was raped at a porn shoot didn't read your comments and have their PTSD triggered? Without context some of your comments can be interpreted in a very negative and harmful way and maybe that's something you should think about more instead of being focused on winning an argument or telling everyone who challenges you that they're an asshole or exhibiting shitty behaviour. I'm not trying to take a moral highground, I'm trying to make you actually think about things that you have posted because you otherwise seem like an intelligent person and I don't think you're actually trying to harm anyone.