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heckthepolice2 wrote

Cryptofascism ansolutely does exist, but to label any and all anarchist tendencies tha fall outside of traditional industrial workerist leftism as "crypto-fascist" is some nonsensical Bookchinite/tankie (what's the difference anyway?) bullshit. When I talk about cryptofascism, I'm referring to people who try to hide their genocidal tendencies behind a thin veneer of a more "acceptable ideology" and in reality that almost always comes in the form of hiding behind the symbols of the dominant cultural hegemony. For a pretty archetypical example, my high school had a group called the "Constitution Club"which was very obviously made up of fascists and -- I shit you not here -- openly and repeatedly (and without consequences) " joked" at the activity fair, which occurred in the school and during school hours and at which pretty much every student was present, about "throwing communists out of helicopters" (which, for those not in the know, is a reference to an actual execution technique used by the fascist (and incidentally CIA-backed) regime of Augusto Pinochet in Chile against political dissidents, and which has since become a favorite dogwhistle for 4chan nazi types).


[deleted] wrote


ziq wrote

That sort of thing almost makes me want to try and defend the U.S. Constituion.



comrade_pikachu wrote

what's the difference anyway

CIA backed? Bookchinites in Syria.

Not CIA backed? What you call "Tankie".



comrade_pikachu wrote

Yes but it's not just lifestylists, it's all anarchists and all liberals in general.