Submitted by Comrade_Pingu in Cryptographic_Anarchism (edited )

A howto on stealing proprietary software for your own gain

"No source code, no cash." -Me, quoting myself to seem smart

Do you really want a certain piece of proprietary software called Mathematica? In its current version (11.20), all you need is a simple html file and a free trial of the program.

  1. Get the free Mathematica trial: Download it from the user-portal using some spam or burner email address.
  2. Find the keygen html file: Mathematica uses a somewhat simple method of creating keys and passwords to work. It's almost like a piece of ransomware you can choose to ignore. I got my file from here. I have to warn you though, the website is shady and you may get a virus if you're not careful. Do not use the given Mathematica package in any of the *.rar files. All you need to download is the first part of the program.
  3. Activate Mathematica: Next thing you need to do is click the button that says "activate mathematica" in a banner above the start screen. Take the MathID and the activation code given and put them into the html file. (NOTE: In order for this to work, you have to put them in that exact order.)
  4. Close Mathematica: Now that you've successfully pirated it, close Mathematica and reopen it. You should see that you have an infinite number of days on your trial before you close the program. After you reopen it, the "Free Trial" banner won't be there.
  5. Laugh in Stephan Wolfram's face (optional): Now that you've cheated his program, take a second to laugh at the bourgeoisie keeping our basic computer freedoms from us have been cheated.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not an anarchist, I'm a Marxist. I'm just posting this on <f/crypto> so that I can share it in the most appropriate place.

Source code for the crack*

no_fun_allowed told me that some source code for the crack would be nice since the file is obscure. So, here you go kids.

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>Mathematica 11.2</title>
  <style type="text/css">
    body {
      font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    function f1(n, byte, c) { // inverse of f2: f1(f2(x, y, c), c, y, c) == x
      for (var bitIndex = 0; bitIndex <= 7; bitIndex++) {
        var bit = (byte >> bitIndex) & 1;
        if (bit + ((n - bit) & ~1) == n) {
          n = (n - bit) >> 1;
        } else {
          n = ((c - bit) ^ n) >> 1;
      return n;
    /*function f2(n, byte, c) {
      for (var bitIndex = 7; bitIndex >= 0; bitIndex--) {
        var bit = (byte >> bitIndex) & 1;
        var tmp = (n << 1) + bit;
        if (n & 0x8000) {
          tmp ^= c;
        n = tmp;
      return n;
    function genPassword(str) {
      var hash = 0x6A91; 
      for (var byteIndex = str.length - 1; byteIndex >= 0; byteIndex--) {
        hash = f1(hash, str.charCodeAt(byteIndex), 0x105C3);
      var n1 = 0;
      while (f1(f1(hash, n1 & 0xFF, 0x105C3), n1 >> 8, 0x105C3) != 0xA5B6) {
        if (++n1 >= 0xFFFF) {
          return "Error";
      n1 = Math.floor(((n1 + 0x72FA) & 0xFFFF) * 99999.0 / 0xFFFF);
      var n1str = ("0000" + n1.toString(10)).slice(-5); // this will be used at the end
      var temp = parseInt(n1str.slice(0,-3) + n1str.slice(-2) + n1str.slice(-3, -2), 10); 
      temp = Math.ceil((temp / 99999.0) * 0xFFFF);
      temp = f1(f1(0, temp & 0xFF, 0x1064B), temp >> 8, 0x1064B);
      for (byteIndex = str.length - 1; byteIndex >= 0; byteIndex--) {
        temp = f1(temp, str.charCodeAt(byteIndex), 0x1064B);
      var n2 = 0;
      while (f1(f1(temp, n2 & 0xFF, 0x1064B), n2 >> 8, 0x1064B) != 0xA5B6) {
        if (++n2 >= 0xFFFF) {
          return "Error";
      n2 = Math.floor((n2 & 0xFFFF) * 99999.0 / 0xFFFF);
      var n2str = ("0000" + n2.toString(10)).slice(-5);
      var password = n2str.charAt(3) + n1str.charAt(3) + n1str.charAt(1) + n1str.charAt(0) + "-"
                   + n2str.charAt(4) + n1str.charAt(2) + n2str.charAt(0) + "-"      
                   + n2str.charAt(2) + n1str.charAt(4) + n2str.charAt(1) + "::1";
      return password;
    function genFromMathId() {
      document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "";
      var mathId = document.getElementById("str").value;
      var activationKey = document.getElementById("act").value;
      var password = genPassword(mathId + "$1&" + activationKey);
      document.getElementById("output").innerHTML += "Password: " + password + "</br>";

  <h2>Mathematica 11.2</h2>
  <p>  <br/><br/>Input given MathID (xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx), whatever Activation Key (xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx) and press Generate.</p>
  <input type="text" id="str"/>
  <input type="text" id="act"/>
  <button onclick="genFromMathId()">Generate</button>
  <div id="output"></div>


* NOTE: All you have to do to get this working is copying and pasting it into an html file.



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