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Defasher wrote (edited )

The USSR proves that's bunk.

The same goes for a lot of currents inside anarchism like anarcho-transhumanism, which would turn the world into nothing but megacities and wilderness areas where humans are banned.

Communism fails to understand basic human nature.


23i wrote

Communism fails to understand basic human nature.

well, failing to understand something that doesn't exist isn't that much of a problem.


Defasher wrote

My point was that human nature = humans are incredibly diverse and can't be all put in the same collectivist box. It forces us to rebel.


sudo wrote

The USSR proves that's bunk.


The same goes for a lot of currents inside anarchism like anarcho-transhumanism, which would turn the world into nothing but megacities and wilderness areas where humans are banned.

Well, I'm not an anarcho-transhumanist, so I don't advocate for that.

Communism fails to understand basic human nature.

Are you sure you're not a liberal?


Defasher wrote


Queers and anarchists being sent to gulags to be worked to death for dissenting.

Are you sure you're not a liberal?

Not being a communist doesn't make one a liberal. I'm a recovered communist who has realised that communism doesn't go far enough to fix our insurmountable problems.