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Defasher wrote (edited )

Yeah? Tell that to all the queers and anarchists sent to the gulags by Soviets to be worked to death for daring to not meet up to dear leader's ideals.


Chomskyist wrote

But the USSR isn't a good example of communism, they didn't even manage to abolish money. It's not fair to label the USSR as communist when it was just another authoritarian state that empowered a different set of rulers than the previous one.


Defasher wrote (edited )

While I completely agree with your critique of the USSR, it doesn't do anything to prove that stateless communism would be any better. It would still marginalise the individual in favour of the collective. That's just how people are, they join a clique and then dig in and shun anyone outside it. Under anarcho-communism, the "good of the collective" would be a lot like our current "democracy for the majority" i.e. the needs of minorities or people that choose to go at it alone would be ignored.

If the ancom community decides they want to mine the woods and I live alone in those woods, I'm gonna be fucked.