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An_Old_Big_Tree OP wrote

I would similarly like to make one that covers China's imperialist pursuits globally, if anybody is feeling inspired.


cult wrote

The thing that bugs me the most is when tankies try to point to rising GDP and "development" and say China is improving the area. China is using the exact same colonist playbook every colonizer has used. In 1953, Uyghur people made ~75% of the population there. Today they're a minority

China HAS "developed" the region rapidly. That's the problem. It's pushed ethnic Han to move there and invested heavily in infrastructure and development in order to justify their colonization of the area. It's the same strategy as Israel rapidly establishing settlements on Palestinian lands to use the fact that Israelians outnumber Palestinians to justify their land claims. Its the same thing Morocco did as soon as they forcefully took Saharawi land

The history of East Turkistan can be traced back over 4,000 years and is very complex. People have been fighting for their right to self-governance (or lack thereof) for possibly as long. Yes, I don't doubt there were revolutionaries who justified violent action to achieve their goals. China began opening up about their problem with Islamic "terrorism" right after 9/11 as they saw the US's move towards justifying their Islamophobia as something they could capitalize on to gain international sympathy. Obviously the US won this political battle. US propaganda plays this up every chance it gets, but denying the very existence of these camps isn't skepticism. It's just being a reactionary


MHC wrote

Surely PRC = NSDAP!
