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aiwendil wrote

"Back in my day, everybody worked until they died and when they died, they went to hell and worked some more and we were happy with our lot. All you millenials get handed everything(short handed shovels, pick axes), and you have the nerve to complain that you are working your lives away." Says old baby boomer on SSI, with a pension and healthcare.

This seriously seems like it was written by somebody's raving, senile grandpa.


NEOalquimista wrote

It's like locking a fly inside a jar until it's very old, then you release it and say "now you can have a life", but it's so old it cannot take off any more. I'll be "checking out early", like MaxStirner said, if I don't succeed in taking down this stupid system. It's the only reason I live.


BlackFlagged wrote

You can't take the whole system down on your own, no one can. The best you can do is bring others to the light and build up our numbers so we have some kind of an effect.


NEOalquimista wrote

That's absolutely right. I kinda meant "we" without saying we, you know...


alqm wrote

You mean "we". We're all in this together, bro.