Submitted by RedEmmaSpeaks in Borders

Feel free to explain to me why immigrants are the dangerous ones, given that all the individual did that set the whole thing in motion, is refuse to present his idea, which he has a legal right to do so.

Here's another link about the incident from a less mainstream source. I put the mainstream one in the title, but yeah, given that the mainstream media collectively worships the various domestic terrorism arms owned and operated by the State, I mean, law enforcement, understand if I'm just a wee bit skeptical.



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RedEmmaSpeaks OP wrote

I felt this quote needed to be brought up:

“In light of what happened this morning, it is clear that Immigration Customs and Enforcement officials are aware and frustrated that community members understand how to exercise their rights. Now, ICE agents are taking out their frustrations on our neighbors by escalating civil matters into use of lethal force,” said Hernan Crescencio, member of the MIX.

It should be abundantly clear that ICE along with just about every law enforcement agency in this country, exists primarily as the USA's domestic terrorism arm. The troops terrorize foreigners to keep them in check, while law enforcement takes care of the homefront.