addtl details in post obvi Sunday Dec 4th

I have a date set for my next drunken voice chat.

Submitted by asterism in AsterismOvershares

Its going to be Sunday December 4th 8:30 AM central time. and if it isn't clear I have no expectation that anyone is in an altered state of mind (except me obviously because that's the point). I will send out a jitsi link to everyone that morning.

If you are interested and available just message me and I will add you to the list.



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lettuceLeafer wrote

no one is planning on showing their face so don't worry about it being a video chat platform. Also if you don't wanna talk I don't care if you drop by and text in the chat. Tho having a couple people talk would be cool


Bezotcovschina wrote

If you are interested and available just message me and I will add you to the list.

I think I am. I'm not really talkative, tho


lettuceLeafer wrote

Don't worry I'll be very talkative for you when I'm mercilessly bullying you. /j


asterism OP wrote

Cool, cool!

I am honestly worried drunk me is going to talk too much.

Which is a silly thing to worry about because of course I am going to talk too much, I'll be drunk.

But also it should be chill and there should be a few people in on it so there shouldn't be tons of pressure on any one individual to talk tons if that makes you nervous or anything.