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Majrelende wrote (edited )

There are two things, which probably help my mental health more than any wider goal: staying away from capitalistic media and trying to rely on that system as little as possible. The latter generally involves foraging and DIY-type activities for whatever I can, such as trying to make clothing from nettle.


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote

So how do you deal with all the media on raddle?


Majrelende wrote

Raddle is fine— I am mostly describing the type of sites and such that blast advertisements in the users’ faces or tries to make them feel as if what they have is inadequate or... etc. I also come more for discussion and exploration of ideas than necessarily for the news.


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote

I see! Thanks for the clarification :)

I sometimes struggle with the floods of terrible news, so I'd assumed that's what you were talking about.