Submitted by Smoke_Pole in AskRaddle (edited by a moderator )

My personal information was recently found by LifeLock in several places both on the surface web and on the deep web. They told me they couldn't have it taken down though and could only monitor my credit score. Would hiring a member of the hacker community be a bad idea to try and forcefully remove my information from the sites? Since my information is already all over the web including my SSN, could hiring a hacker to go after it make things any worse?



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londoncalling wrote

Probably. I would say "you probably should work on your own opsec", because it is much easier to ensure something doesn't get published than to try and delete every trace of it, but it unfortunately is too late for that now.
My first concern would be that you would have to give your good hacker your information or something of the sort to find it, but it probably gets worse than that somewhere.


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote (edited )

Heads up, we don't allow ableist language on this site, so I changed your shit since I'm in a rush. Check out the sidebar of f/Ability for more info on why we do this and please don't use such language here in future.


celebratedrecluse wrote

Yeah, forget about getting rid of the doxx. Once it's on the internet, it's on there forever.

You're going to want to change as much of your information as possible. You can't change things like an SSN, however that's not going to matter much insofar as getting harassed by fascists/etc if you change your name, address, job, phone numbers and email accounts, social media profiles, and other public-facing personal identifiers like that.

if you're concerned about the governments, it doesn't matter, they have us all doxxed anyway. Especially in the US, when it's your time to go away, they make you go away. Don't get too caught up getting paranoid about it, that just makes their job easier.