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ziq wrote (edited )

Yes we have f/meta for voting mods out if they abuse their power. It's written into the ToS to make sure mods don't ban people without good reason, and everyone including admins are accountable to the users. Everything is transparent, so if someone bans a user that isn't doing anything deserving of a ban, they need to explain why, and if the community disagrees with the ban, it'll be overturned.


rapper wrote (edited )

Good because every mod should be open to critical feedback. And if you're talking about the history of World War 2 and I quote something from the movie Borat that shouldn't be grounds for indefinite banning. Even light hearted trolling, you dont like it? down vote them. You dont need to ban anyone. In my opinion, yeah spammers or doxxers should be banned. You got a problem fascists i get it you dont want the site to be overrun like that other site. Maybe, at a point in time you can make a box for the fascists to talk into.


ziq wrote (edited )

They already have a box.


elchololoco wrote

It ain't entirely fascists over there. I have an account over there, and I'm a rabid Bernie partisan who quit the other other site when one of the /r/SandersForPresident mods went and systematically deleted every post I'd ever made to the sub, because I offhandedly suggested that we should be killing the masters, not fucking negotiating with them.


ConfettiEggnog wrote

Your "critical feedback" might be trolling. The same as your "trolling" can be "constructive feedback" to some other folks.


rapper wrote (edited )

i dont know if you get it, you should'nt be banned for trolling, grandma. downvote


ConfettiEggnog wrote

So you won't do it. Others will. And everybody else will choose based on content. There are no should and should nots.


rapper wrote

Listen, you fuzzy little shithead! I've been fucked around in my time by a fairly good cross-section of mean-tempered, rule-crazy cops, and now it's my turn. So fuck you, Officer. I'm in charge.
