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Pop wrote

Depends what you mean, but probably a liberal

For example, liberals will often 'decentralise their state' by separating powers - so there is a judiciary, a parliament, a executive, whatever, and they are meant to be kept separate and to monitor and police each other so that they don't get too much power

Other ways liberals 'decentralise their state' is by having federated provinces, like in the US. Where the provinces are just called states

because really what makes a state is that it is an overarching centralised/centralising structure - otherwise it is just a bunch of small states

how do you envision a decentralised state?


elyersio OP wrote (edited )

A state where everybody is/can be a part of the legislation, execution, and justification of laws. A government that exists not as a person, or group of people, but as ideas, or an open source program. A government that would die without the people, instead of a government that is a parasite. A dependant brain of the state that organizes the state. A hive mind, so to speak.

I can easily imagine this 'government' in the form of some kind of computer network program, driven by a blockchain or the next miraculous software thing that comes from the next Satoshi Nakamoto, that helps us organize our next projects.

TL;DR: The "overarching centralised/centralising structure" is a computer program, kept in check by everybody who uses it.

Does that make me a liberal?


[deleted] wrote (edited )


elyersio OP wrote

Well, I just found /r/ShitLiberalsSay, so from there I can learn if I'm a liberal :)


ziq wrote

What you're advocating for is the The Venus Project.

Here's my critique of that.


elyersio OP wrote

Wow. I can't even find any source code in that project.

In your society, would we be able to do what Elon Musk is doing, and be able to land spacecraft on Mars?

Wait a minute.... Elon Musk... wants to own Mars...


ziq wrote (edited )

I wrote that years ago (years before the date on the article, even), so my views have changed a lot since then.

But under social anarchism, humanity would overthrow the state and capital overlords and then instead of us laboring to create Musk's profits, we'd labor for our own prosperity and the prosperity of all.

Mars would be a lot easier to get to if we weren't directing all the wealth to the elites.