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celebratedrecluse wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by celebratedrecluse in Mailing pills? by Jxck

Additional thoughts--

Vacuum seals around the package are ideal for evasion of the drug sniffing K9s. One can buy from Amazon or other online retailers a machine which automatically wraps an object for you, in an airtight seal. They are used in the shipping industry & mail systems for sensitive materials like electronics, perishables, etc, so I do not think it will look out of place.

However, vacuum seals are only useful if one is careful during the packaging process to avoid any residue getting on any part of the package, especially the outside facing parts. After you seal the package up, wash the outside with cold water and soap. scrub vigorously, but do not use an abrasive; you could poke microscopic holes in the seal.

Another thing you're going to want to be concerned about is fingerprints. Wear appropriate gloves and do not touch anything, inside or outside the package, with your fingertips. This will provide a layer of deniability to the sender, where you can refuse to provide any information to Law Enforcement if they find the package, and a lawyer can argue on your behalf that the package was sent by a person who simply signed your actual.

Drop the package off at a drop point: ideally, with no humans around, far away from where you usually live/work/hang out. Wear a jacket, sunglasses, bandanna, etc-- casual black bloc, just enough to conceal your face and any identifying features. Ride your bike or walk-- don't drive, rideshare, or take mass transit if possible.

Here are additional elaborations from an alleged leaked document. Whether or not it's legit, it's still useful & wouldn't hurt to use it as a guidepost.


Finally, consider the possible consequences. There is no need to go to jail over drugs, it is a foolish circumstance that they hold that potential. Mailing drugs is considered a very serious crime if caught in most countries-- it is considered distribution, and the punishments are almost always more steep than if you had simply been caught with them on your person. Consider taking the pills to your friend personally, if you are able-- it is much safer, assuming you are a careful traveler.