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ThisGuyIsAProblem wrote (edited )

To treat chronic insomnia:
-Turn off wifi at night
-Unplug all electronics in your bedroom
-Move bed away from any electrical outlets
-Sleep with your head away from the wall, so your head is in the center of the room
-Check the proximity of your bedroom to any electrical boxes, cable boxes, smart meters, circuit breakers, etc...
-Measure the RF in your room with an RF Acoustimeter ($370 on
-Measure the Electrical fields and Magnetic Fields in your room with a Trifield Magnetic Meter
-Take Cat's Claw (~4000mg), NOW brand is good, to reduce inflammation in your brain.
-If you live near a cell or radio tower, move immediately
-Avoid proximity to power lines, comcast wires, and high voltage appliances
-Sleep off the ground since Co2+ builds up on the floor from screen electronics
-Move computer proximity to 2+ feet away
-Avoid keeping cellphone on your person

Most definitely, your chronic insomnia is caused by non-ionizing radiation.

American Association of Environmental Medicine: Exposure to non-ionizing radiation is the greatest risk to human health in the 21st century.

Other resources:
Windheim EMF Solutions
AAEM RF Position

Useful products:
5M Laminated Paper, tape over computer screens to block positive ions
Velostat, for blocking EMF

All the + minerals on the left side of the periodic table: Calcium, Magnesium, Lithium, Potassium, Sodium, Beryllium (found in carrots), Hydrogen (water)

  • Vitamin E (in nuts, protects from DNA damage in the brain from non-ionzing radiation)
    +Iron (for rebuilding tissue)
    +Phosphorus and Glucose (main ingredients for DNA, eggs and carbs)
    +Flax Seed Oil (for plant omega 3s)

So basically: Nuts+Dark Chocolate+Almond Milk+Gatorade+Aquafina(low NaF water)+Carrots+Beef+Eggs(or milk with phosphorus added)
I also recommend kimchi and raw milk for a diverse vegetable and milk probiotic.

This guide is designed to give you the resources necessary to cure your insomnia.
All it does is reduce RF exposure to a minimum, treats the over active neurons that can't shut off with Cat's Claw to help them cool off, and provide the nutrients necessary to repair the damage. Honestly you might be fine with just turning the wifi off but I wrote this for a worst case scenario thing.
