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GrimWillow wrote

I think once we've figured out how to ensure that no more fascists/capitalists/feudalists can rise, we could put something together. That seems way out of our lifetimes considering how entrenched we are in this shit. We're currently backed into a corner of the capitalist prison fighting just to not let them claim that this is the only way.

Otherwise, every development of tech will not be done in the same way the capitalists have done it. The capitalists are so proud of "their" work, when it's always been slaves doing the actual job.

I believe that one day Anarchists could be in space, and it will be done respectfully and look very very different.


NEOalquimista wrote

In a free society, we would see many self-thought engineers experimenting with space transportation. Just like Linus Torvalds, they could benefit by sharing their work wide open with the world, and then more people of a variety of skills would gather to help get it working.

By sharing knowledge he cannot hold others back and force inequality. Some people may not want to leave the ground or use some piece of technology, but the point is... if they wanted to, they could. It's not held privately. It's shared.