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MHC wrote

{The popular opinion about covid being over is completely incorrect} I estimate that disease has killed twenty five times as many, as has the Ukraine war. Is your country spending 25 * as much fighting the illness, as propping up Kyiv?

{everyone being in therapy, medicated until they become good obedient workers or good obedient dependents of the state} The Soviets so abused psychiatry!

{I have done self-employment but am in process of changing directions with it. That may turn out better than wage work anyway. } Good luck.

{I can learn without talking to "professionals" and doing that is help in itself.} Eighty percent of adult learning is nonformal.

{The devil's bargain I referred to was that getting diagnosed and asking for assistance puts a person in touch with the mental health system and "officials".} I saw a medical student scream at a consumer!

{Inpatient treatment where one is locked up is harm to me.} That is my view of being required to sit down in one spot indoors all day, while being watched!

{Taking medications they choose for me is harm to me.} I obtained advice on line, and told my physician what to prescribe!

{Telling the whole truth to a stranger obligated to contact authorities is asking them to harm me.} My former physician, got another patient jailed!

{I regard death as preferable to being locked in a room.} This is my argument against supposed freedom of choice. We spend decades getting told to obey. Starting with sitting still in rows, at preschool!

{This alone is considered not a sane opinion to hold.} Here urban gas stations are sited on side streets. So as to hide ugliness. The same goes with people deemed problems!

{How am I going to even converse with a doctor who views locking me up for a few days as a minor inconcenience at most?} I dislike that profession's cliquey self-service. [Sigh]

{To be clear, in order to get "treatment" that would accurately address issues, I would have to admit things that required in patient treatment to be mandated.} I know a severely anxious guy. His doctor has no idea of his mental condition. As the former regards the latter's profession, as jailers!

{Are you familiar with the phrase Catch 22? It means: Damned if you do, damned if you don't.} Zugzwang in chess: whatever you do, you'll be worse off!

{I will take my calculated risk of avoiding "official" help.} Your self therapy of yoga and meditation, will help.