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moonlune wrote

"woop woop"

I try to not use it and say the right words but instead "woop woop" comes out all the time recently:

  • when I'm happy
  • when I want to congratulate someone
  • ironically when someone does something shitty in from of me
  • when I want somebody to move out of my way

ikk wrote (edited )

you're a juggalo? [CW: juggalos]


moonlune wrote (edited )

oh shit that's exactly how I use it wtf I guess I've found my family

woop woop


ikk wrote

i'm hoping to see some anarchist juggalo memes on here

i also only heard of juggalos because i was using woop woop myself lol


asterism OP wrote

I'm always getting Juggalos and Gigolos mixed up.

Makes things very confusing