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existential1 wrote

My "major event" prediction is that a major country is going to have a populist uprising. It might be lefty or righty, but we're for sure having another economic recession/depression popping media isn't getting better...and food prices are about to go off the charts (to say nothing of fuel).

Civil systems are a lot closer to the brink than I think people realize.

Some things I think are a given that are also major events, there will be another famine event (Yemen still in one) in Sub-saharan Africa because of the forced usage of wheat from Europe that will be super expensive and climate change giving countries a 1-2 punch they can't well handle.


kin wrote

I have a hunch that by 2050 a major socialeconomical shift will happen, maybe by worst seeing this trend on fascism on Europe.

By 5 years maybe another pandemic (bc all the good stuff need a SQL) or another huge depression (economical, not mine)


NoPotatoes wrote (edited )

People are talking food shortages, recession, monkeypox.

So probably.

I mean Mariupol alone was/is pretty bad. I guess that one was localized as opposed to a pandemic, which affects the whole world.


tuesday wrote

I've been thinking about weather lately and how much worse it's getting. there's a lot of major coastal cities one super hurricane away from being under water.


ghost wrote

The ongoing aftermath of Covid. The number of disabled people is skyrocketing thanks to covid, while the State is killing disabled people by stripping away benefits or shooting them down in the street. Plus we’ve already been disabling the heck out of people through pollution and wars.

And while being disabled isn’t bad or wrong, the fact that we are being disabled in huge numbers by corporate greed and State violence could be catastrophic. (Or amazing, if you’re an optimistic.)


fortmis wrote (edited )

Something's gunna happen to the water I swear to on a massive scale..... Idk what, but there's no way it's just gunna stay "neutral" with everything that's happening. covid was a virus of the air and was exasperated by high air pollution.... now it's water time....


RatifyGuy1776 wrote

"pandemic response" like mandatory digital ID that will be used to implement social credit in all the "democratic" countries as soon as they implement CBDCs

obvs it's already a thing but I predict the opposition to it will be completely flaccid and bankworld will become eternal