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ziq wrote

at what point does the burden of existence outweigh the benefits?


Tecate_Coyote wrote

I like to ask questions that I have a ready answer for. This is because some people have trouble articulating thoughts without something to spring board off of. And if I ask a question, that they don't really understand, I can then say "like for example, I really enjoy doing x"

Here are some quick ones-

"What would you be doing for fun if money wasn't an issue?"

"Do you have any deal-breakers in new relationships?"

"Are you Ziq?"

But ultimately, I think one should remember that all of these should be ice breakers and not a check list. On a good date everything will flow naturally.

First dates are neat because you're simultaneously testing if this person is safe to be around, fun, if you have chemistry together, etc etc. I miss them, I haven't been on any in almost a year. Good luck.


NoPotatoes OP wrote

I like to ask questions that I have a ready answer for.

I like this too, but for an additional reason. I value reciprocity in relationships. So if I am not prepared to answer a question, I don't expect the other person to answer it either.


__0 wrote

Ngl I hate feeling like a first date is an interview, I would say keep things open ended, it can feel kind of intimidating to talk about things like politics the first time you go out with someone, that said anything can be about politics, because everything is political on some level...


NoPotatoes OP wrote

I definitely agree that open ended questions are good. Otherwise the person just gives you a short answer and the conversation does not flow well.


ziq wrote

how open are you to destroying the mode of production?


moonlune wrote

ask them WTF happened in 1971?


lettuceLeafer wrote (edited )

I literally thought "the international convertibility of USD to gold ended".

Which is something I'm passionate about.


moonlune wrote (edited )

I just learned about it on the website with the graphs this week, and it is very interesting indeed.

(ranting about Nixon's economical impact is probably not a good first date ice breaker, don't trust my love advice 🤐😅)


emoticons wrote

Any allergies?

Do you believe in test IQ?

Have you lifted a good cheese?

What's your opinion on transgender people?

Show that if 𝑀₁ and 𝑀₂ are closed then there are isomorphisms 𝐻ᵢ(𝑀₁#𝑀₂;ℤ) ≈ 𝐻ᵢ(𝑀₁;ℤ) ⊕ 𝐻ᵢ(𝑀₂;ℤ) for 0 < 𝑖 < 𝑛, with one exception: If both 𝑀₁ and 𝑀₂ are nonorientable, then 𝐻ₙ₋₁(𝑀₁#𝑀₂;ℤ) is obtained from 𝐻ₙ₋₁(𝑀₁;ℤ) ⊕ 𝐻ₙ₋₁(𝑀₂;ℤ) by replacing one of the two ℤ₂ summands by a ℤ summand. [Euler characteristics may help in the exceptional case.]

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions for Mark Zuckerberg's personalised advertisements through your machine learning virtual reality headset that also monitors your neurotransmitters?