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frigus_aeris wrote

I would like to learn how to not be depressed all the time.


lettuceLeafer wrote

Get good at anarchy. At least thats what worked for me.


frigus_aeris wrote

I do what I want, you can't tell me what to do! Is that anarchism enough for you?


lettuceLeafer wrote

I do what I want

Are you tho? U said that u don't want to be depressed yet it sounds like u are still depressed. It doesn't sound like u are doing what you want.


Fool wrote

Give yourself to the void, let it consume you, and when you reach the other side, you will let go of your attachments which hold you from being free, then you can enjoy the little things.

(Actually this is almost Egoist)

... if you haven't already, get acquainted with the Creative Nothing. Examine that within you, and why it makes you feel the way it does.

Note: Individual mileage may vary. Fool does not receive payment from Stirner Publishing or any of its subsidiaries.


Odonian wrote (edited )

I know this seems obvious but seriously, do you have stuff you like doing? Hobbies, sports, games, especially something outside in nature and rewarding? If yes then get out and do it, if no then find something.


frigus_aeris wrote

I'm not sure I experience pleasure like most people, but I have more preference toward some activities. Walking my dog is a lot better than working for example. But I feel extremely tired all the time. It's exhausting doing pretty much everything and I find it very difficult to keep up with things I have to do. I feel like I have to keep pushing my limit every day, just to be able to work, eat and clean. I wish I could just rest for a bit.


Bird wrote

On the academic side of things I would love to learn another language but those are hard and time consuming, on the skills side of things I think blacksmithing would be pretty neat and potentially useful as a skill.



Fool wrote

How to perform astral projection.


Sagefully wrote

I am currently learning how to build a house for myself and my family, through lots of reading and online resources. The book, can recommend:

We are moving out of one of the bigger cities in my country and will buy land later. Land where we will grow our own food (we will learn how to store it as well) and sell the excess in our local community. We want to minimize living hyperconnected to society and its cities, learn how to live that life good, so that we can learn/make others.


lettuceLeafer wrote

Sounds sick, what kinda house r u making?


Sagefully wrote (edited )

I'm leaning on clay coated straw bale/hemp walls. Both materials work great for thermal insulation and would be locally sourced. From there I will paint/water proof the walls with lime plaster in beautiful colour. I am on the lookout for used windows, frames and doors. Anything that can be reused.

I'll be making a 3-bedroomer with maybe an additional studio/workshop.


JenEx wrote

I would like to know how to trust people again.


Tequilx_Wolf wrote

More about the cultures and how to speak the languages of the people around me.