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Hibiscus_Syrup OP wrote

For me, where I am, I not confirmed any Marxists who understand anarchism. I even know a couple Marxists whose politics are incredibly close to basic red anarchism, but they'll still say ridiculous shit about authority straight out of Engels' mouth, still laugh at the idea of critiquing guillotines, etc.


Ennui wrote

I bet it’s like 0.01%.


deeppurplehazedream wrote

If you were a Marxist and you understood anarchism you probably wouldn't be a Marxist anymore.


Hibiscus_Syrup OP wrote

Do you believe the same of any ideology - that if they understood anarchism they would probably become anarchists?

Presumably Marxists think the same thing of us, much of the time.


kin wrote

This would be my answer. But this can lead to someone think that we have a higher ground (morally-theoretical-political-whatsoever).

So giving a second thought I think the problem lies in the assumption, something we always discuss here, that Anarchists and Marxists have a different interpretation leading to different goals/strategies.

What's been called the "flacid" theoretical body of the Anarchist thought is actually a strength, a flexibility to adapt to the different issues affecting us. Anarchist can be sometimes an amalgamation of paradoxically opposing stances, like an antiCiv anachoHacktivist.

TL;DR - Marx is dead, long live Anarchy!


Raxalor wrote

I don't know any marxists IRL. Haven't met any online that actually understood anarchy


zddy wrote

Hooked up with group communists, one even self identifies as a maoist!

Haven't had any heated discussions, yet, but they seem to have a general antipathy towards anarchist organization. The word "movementist" was said once and i spaced out cause that shit isn't a word.


edmund_the_destroyer wrote

Just about everyone I know personally still associates "anarchism" with the villains in Mission Impossible and James Bond films and the living conditions in Mad Max and other stories of post-apocalyptic wastelands. One of the labels used for the people rioting in DC was "anarchists". I didn't see that one much in the mainstream media, but I saw it on social media.

I can't make an educated guess about Marxists in general, but none of the Marxists that I know have a meaningful understanding of anarchism. When I call myself a leftist with anarcho-communist leanings I just get odd looks and people change the subject.


celebratedrecluse wrote

You could ask the same of the anarchists, lol

there are plenty of anarchists who have no idea what the fuck they are talking about