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GrimWillow wrote (edited )

Depends on who with. I choose the rant that I think will get best leverage towards Anarchist beliefs without explicitly mentioning Anarchism if the person is arguing against the existance of otherwise easily aknowledged oppression.

For example, if the person I'm arguing with doesn't believe that we live in a white supremecist patriarchical society, then I focus on establishing that at least instead of the illigitimacy of vertical organizing right away. My hope is to establish enough recognition of different shades of oppression, before hitting the nail on the head with "Oppression is a part of a hierchical system".


Cheeks wrote

Very open. I've learned to hold back on dropping the @ word until theyre in agreement with the fundamentals of it. Then i explain that that is anarchism and watch their minds short circuit from all the lies theyve been told their entire life. This allows for me to explain my opposition or support for whatever triggered the conversation in a manner so that it doesnt fall on deaf ears. Alternatively, if i detect an argumentative stance, I will lead with questions asking them to explain their position and retort with questions citing historical and scientific examples until the foundation of their argument has crumbled.

Be open about it but be tacit in your choice of words in regards of who youre talking to.


Cosmicsloth42 wrote

I'm open if someone asks, but I never bring up politics in situations. Unless I am commenting on something very specific, like Puerto Rico.


formati wrote

ask nigeria government


zombie_berkman wrote

depends who im talking to. at work i have to pretend to be right wing since most of the people around me seem to be. personal life, i rant constantly


zorblax wrote

I dislike talking politics, or about myself in general. Probably the only people who know the full extent of my political beliefs are my friends from my hometown.


tsv wrote (edited )

I'm open about my politics, sexuality, (non)-religion, pacifism and how the scientific method helps me overcome becoming a stupid bobble-headed group thinker.


squirrels wrote

I'm in academia, and it's a weird contradictory world. You'll be pushed to consider politics, and there are plenty of marxists and anarchists (and anarchomarxists) running around. A lot of theory in many different fields, especially the social sciences, is heavily influenced by Marx. There is typically, though not always, a Liberal hegemony going on. That's when you start to run into the contradictions. Consider the impact of your research, but not if it upsets the wrong people. Be political, but not TOO political. Incorporating radical politics and ideas? Oh, geez, that's not REAL [insert field] research, cut that out. Talk about class? Oh, pfft the postmodernists trashed that years ago. Etc. etc. So on and so forth. Academia is a bit frozen in the states, a shadow of its 60s Berkeley days. Nobody wants to say the wrong thing that will get the last of their funding pulled. Young academics are in an even worse position, but that would be a post of its own.

In other words, not very open. I have to carefully hedge my bets and read my audience. Thankfully, this department isn't as nearly conservative (i.e. liberal) as the last, so it's more comfortable. I've already had a lot of advice about compartmentalizing my writing and strategies to keep sane while playing the game of the "knowledge economy." I keep reading "the movement needs intellectuals, too" a lot over and over again, and how academic writing is ultimately non-consequential for radical change compared to writing for the movement, so just keep active in the movement... and it's some comfort. I try not to throw up around the elitism and corporatization I see going on, though sometimes I just can't stand it. If I hear how "entrepreneurship" and "innovation" needs to be encouraged among the student body one more time, I will snap.

In my private life, I'm pretty open about it. I know what words to avoid around which relatives, but I ultimately have no issue with people knowing my politics. I've lived in really reactionary areas of the world/country, so I generally have a good feel on when it's physically safe to acknowledge it.


emmaloldman wrote

I regularly inject political commentary and awkward philosophical questions into any perfectly pleasant and neutral conversation. This inevitably does horrible things for my crippling social anxiety when the room goes silent and all eyes are on the pithy anarchist that had remained silent up to this point. This is just one of the unintentionally masochistic habits I have. 👍


sudo wrote

Not open at all, outside of party members. If I told someone I was socialist, they'd probably blab about it to their friends, who would blab to their friends, and so on, and I'd eventually end up on a watchlist. Take opsec seriously - don't tell anyone you're a socialist unless you know they are already on your side, and they also take opsec seriously.