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retiredaccount wrote

Remember, fascism was first formed in 1919 but took power just years after; fascism strikes and forms quick. It can easily become a coup from disjointed attacks in only months.


OKC OP wrote

So you are saying a fascist party will attempt a coup to overthrow the government. Is this really likely? The national guard alone would crush them.


ziq wrote

Expecting the exact same conditions to exist and the exact same events to unfold and the exact same version of fascism to manifest is silly. Politics adapt.


OKC OP wrote

You can't call it fascism if it's not the same as fascism.


retiredaccount wrote

I'm not saying its very likely, but that fascism should be put down before such a thing could be considered possible. I suppose you'd think the Italian military would be able to put down a few civilian partisans as well, no? Especially since that military had just been on the winning side of the biggest war the world had seen at the time.


OKC OP wrote

I don't think you can compare Italy back then to America now. The Italian government wouldn't stand a chance up against our modern armory.


retiredaccount wrote

You can compare it to any unstable government; maybe not now, but maybe in five years the economy crashes and its fertile land for a proper coup.


OKC OP wrote

Our military is not dependent on the economy... Even during the great depression, the military grew bigger than ever.


retiredaccount wrote

The Italian military was still big at the time. Its not about the military, its about the success of the coup. Also, if you really wanna bring up the Great Depression, the Business Plot was planned.