Submitted by CISGENOCIDE in AntiFascistAction

I get that you all want to eliminate the fascists. Amen to that. Although in the long run, we shouldn't limit ourselves to just the hardcore fascists - liberals, cishets, etc. could all use a bullet or 10 to the face as well. Also, torture is a valuable revolutionary tactic. My ultimate goal would be to round up all the oppressors in camps and systematically torture and murder them.

The idea of exterminating all men (and cishets and liberals and so on) is the only thing that keeps me going. I love seeing oppressors suffer. I love it more than anything.



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An_Old_Big_Tree wrote (edited )

exterminating all [positionality]

I'm thinking this post is banworthy. Thoughts?

u/ziq, u/mofongo, and others are welcome to pitch in too.

EDIT: Banned


ziq wrote

Sure, not that it'll do any good since they're using


JeoJoe wrote

I think if they're being serious about wanting to kill everyone outside their identity group, then a ban is certainly warranted.