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Bezotcovschina wrote

I can't recommend Trigun enough - the greatest gateway anime for for non-anime persons. Also, Full-metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.


existential1 OP wrote

Yeah, we started brotherhood awhile ago (my 3rd or 4th time watching it), i love it, but it was too soon in her journey. That's a good one to to try again. Thanks for the recommendation!


ziq wrote

grave of the fireflies


mofongo wrote

For sci-fi stuff, Akira is a great start and holds up quite well, Ghost in the Shell, Animatrix, all are philosophical with great action scenes. For less action, Serial Experiments Lain, very thoughtful and gives lot to talk about. Something more modern and less depressing, Carole & Tuesday, it's a musical anime about two girls on Mars (a rich one and a poor one) that attempt to make it big in the musical industry. It's a Watanabe anime, but whatever.

Comedy, I can only recommend Crayon Shinshan, one of the few comedies that translate well for overseas.

There's Studio Gibhli movies, they're marvelous.

I haven't seen it, but Paprika sounds around what you're looking for.

Persona 5 is quite good.


n_n wrote



DesertRetro wrote

Neon Genesis Evangelion, especially now that it's on netflix.