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ziq OP wrote

I think fighting for revolution means different things to different people. To me it has nothing to do with fighting for a global industrial society like it does to most people here.


haystacks_ wrote

Truth. I split with the an-coms and an-syns for the same reason. Because all these destructive systems in place will be romantically fixed once the same production-oriented models are worker-controlled. It may be nicer than now, but it will still foretell ecological catastrophe.

Plus I just don't like the fethishization of labor and work that is so common with Marxist/communistic ideologies.


ziq OP wrote (edited )

They essentially advocate for the exact same system as capitalism (workers, factories, battery farms, globalisation, ecocide) but "more egalitarian" (direct democracy and equal share of the industrialist pie).

Which is the exact accusation they fling at their "lifestylist" bogeyman; accusing us of somehow conforming to the system (by struggling against it) while insisting we abandon our hard-fought battles and join them in waiting for a more egalitarian industrialism that'll give us a fairer share of the profits gained from waging war on nature.


Waken wrote

I don't know why anyone would cling to the institution of work. Marxists are like abused wives who stick with their scumbag husbands.