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celebratedrecluse wrote

Eh, I mean there's no ethical consumption under capitalism. Reddit has more subs, a bigger conversation, and that becomes self-perpetuating if you're looking for a big tent to discuss a wide range of topics on.

I'm just here because it's a better kind of forum experience imo, not out of a moralistic sense of obligation or illusion that using raddle is praxis. I like the fact that we have a hidden service, and I kind of know the regulars here.

It's sort of like the difference between a locals' bar, and a larger nightclub. They're both bars, but they offer different kinds of socializing. However, at the end of the day it's still just a consumer experience.


ziq wrote

First time I've heard raddle called a consumer experience lol.


celebratedrecluse wrote

lol i mean yes, it's a rad website, but ultimately it's essentially a vehicle for serving content, similar to any other website that fulfills that role -shrug-