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mouse wrote

Reply to comment by mofongo in The Apocalypse | ContraPoints by ziq

Aren't our "eat the rich" and guillotine jokes dehumanizing too? At least from an outsiders perspective? I mean the reptile thing is a joke too


mofongo wrote (edited )

Class is something a person can actually opt out of. Classifying people as a lizard thing is suggesting that there is something intrinsic to their nature that makes them do what they do. Plus it uses the same fear of the other that is used against poc, lgbt, immigrants, etc. It's this last part specially that I think makes that analogy to backfire.


qimerra wrote

To be fair she does say in an earlier video that the reptiles aren't even the capitalists. Getting nuanced messages across in a highly entertaining way to people with short attention spans who may disagree politically is hard. She may not be perfect but she's changed a lot of minds.


mofongo wrote

Artistic license is not an excuse in this case. Both the topics and imagery point to the reptiles being capitalists, specially when the reptile people conspiracy theory is pretty well known.