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neechee OP wrote

Reply to comment by ziq in I'm finally here too! by neechee

If you mean aroused, none.

If you mean pissed off, multiple a day, to the point that I have stalkers specifically looking for my alts.


ziq wrote (edited )

cool, we're simpatico

is prince_kropotkin stalking you yet?

I've got 3 accounts on reddit, but I make it super obvious they're me because I stopped giving a fuck.

were you ever on leftwithsharpedge?


neechee OP wrote

I don't think PK even knows about me. Off the top of my head, Kapitod, Book_of_Nightmares, and TheEdenCrazy are way too obsessed with me.

I've probably had 15 accounts at this point.

I was not on that sub. I was probably not even here when that was a thing. I am however the only other person to use "anarcho-noddy"


ziq wrote

Ha. I hope that takes off. So many fucking Noddy's on r/@, it should be taken out of circulation and sterilized like the racist Noddy books.


nestormakhno wrote

Burtzev stalked my ass for a while and PK would magically turn up in any thread where I mentioned him without pinging him or anything. Over multiple accounts. Over several years.

Shit is intensely creepy.


ziq wrote

Same here. Burtzev still goes on unhinged rants about me every now and then.


nestormakhno wrote

All I remember about burtzev is that he used to call queer people "perverts" and shit. He really did not like trans people. I think he actually got banned from r/@ over that back in the day, when even the shitty mods back then had finally had enough.