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GrimWillow wrote

sir..there are children in here, sir...

says the guy interrupting the man angry about children dying in the street...because the man is cussing about it? Give me a break. The children should be cussing about it too.


LeninIsAFuck wrote (edited )

I heard from reliable source this dude is actually your typical brocialist, toxic-masculinity type. The idea of someone announcing they are anarchist at a city council meeting while piggybacking of emotional reactions (muh children, muh military, muh 'anarchism').

stares in Spectacle


LeninIsAFuck wrote (edited )

He has alienated Queer and PoC comrades in his aggressive macho organizing. This man is NOT on our side and all the praise for him is super scary.

So many comment feeds are talking about how handsome he is and now he is the model for Anarchism in eyes of contemporary society.


ziq OP wrote (edited )

So many comment feeds are talking about how handsome he is and now he is the model for Anarchism in eyes of contemporary society.

lol wtf? I'm always so disappointed by my fellow anarchists and their need for idol worship.